
Our company was esthabilished in 2003. When we launched out on our enterprise it was a family-owned firm. Our plan is based on EU’s requirements. Our mill works with traditional stones. In this way we can produce only wholemeal farinas. Our technology let also to mill other grains like corn, rice, barley, etc… We only make our products out of organic crops.Lipiliszt Ltd is located at the south-east part of Hungary. We are specialized in the organic sector. We produce organic flours.What we can offer you:- Organic wholemeal wheat flour- Organic wholemeal spelt flour- Organic wholemeal rye flourQuality is guaranteed by The Nonprofit Biokontroll Hungary Ltd ( certification improves that we work only with bio grains.Hungary is a typical agricultural land. We have good soil to produce vegetables and fruits, that’s why our organic goods have high quality. Between the Carpatians’ mountain the soil is very healthy and productive. Our tradition has high specialized knowledge in the field of non chemical agriculture, and that’s contribute the premium quality.We sale our goods to foreign country only in 25 kg papersacks.


Lipiliszt Vanília ízű Zabital
Lipiliszt Eper ízű Zabital
Lipiliszt kakaós zabital
Teljes kiőrlésű bio búzaliszt
Teljes kiőrlésű bio tönkölyliszt
Teljes kiőrlésű bio rozsliszt